Thomas A. Pagano
Class of 2010
A 40-year veteran of the candy business, Thomas A. Pagano has spent his career with Ferrara Pan Candy Co., Inc.
Currently serving as senior vice-president and part-owner of Ferrara Pan, Tom has worked in all facets of the company, from sales and trade advertising to transportation, logistics and distribution.
He is the third generation Pagano to work for the company founded by his grandfather, Anello Pagano, along with partners Salvatore Ferrara and Salvatore Buffardi, in 1919.
Tom says it has been a wonderful experience working alongside his father, Candy Hall of Famer Lou Pagano, learning the business. His son, Louis Pagano II, is the fourth generation at the company. Tragically, Tom’s daughter Alyssa, died in 2008.
Tom was born March 8, 1952, to Lou and Joyce. He has four siblings: Louis, Tara, Chris and Barry. He attended Benet Academy and Benedictine University, both in Lisle, IL, where he majored in history.
Between 2000 and 2002 Tom was president of the Italian American Executives of Transportation, which assists with educational programs, scholarships and other charitable causes benefiting Italian Americans in the transportation industry. He also served on the organization’s board from 2000 to 2008.
He is a member of the Food Shippers of America, a logistics group that promotes relationships between the transportation and food industries.
Tom has volunteered as a Big Brother for 10 years helping inner-city children, and has sponsored three children as part of the Christian Children’s Fund. He has worked as a part-time police officer for more than 10 years, serving in Bellwood, IL. As an officer, he has won marksman awards for pistol shooting.
An avid Civil War historian, Tom has supported the Friends of Gettysburg, part of the Gettysburg Foundation, since 1989, helping preserve the integrity of the battlefield.
He also belongs to the Civil War Preservation Trust, a Washington, DC-based organization that preserves Civil War battlefields across the U.S.