Patricia L. Magee
Class of 2010
Patricia L. Magee says her early career in the confectionery trade press centered on self-development, the middle of her career was about customers, and her latter career and volunteerism focuses on others.
She was born in Lancaster, PA, on December 8, 1952, to Janet and Thomas, and has a brother, John. Pat attended Lampeter-Strasburg High School before moving to Ohio to attend Kent State University.
After graduating with a B.A. in English, Pat worked in journalism and public relations before being hired as Chief Editor of Candy Industry magazine in 1982, beginning her 28-year career covering the confectionery industry.
Pat learned the business through interviewing category leaders, which she says was fun, exacting, and challenging, requiring much hard work.
While at Candy Industry, she earned the company’s President’s Award for advertising sales and publishing industry performance.
Today, Pat is the owner of P Magee Enterprises, an editorial and marketing agency that serves the needs of international confectionery companies and their suppliers.
For more than 25 years, Pat has been a member of the American Association of Candy Technologists, an associate member of Retail Confectioners International and a member of the Pennsylvania Manufacturing Confectioners Association. She has also been an associate member of the Western Candy Conference.
In 1999, Pat was honored by the Kettle Committee for her 16 years of dedicated service as its director.
Pat has made presentations on public relations at RCI and Philadelphia National Candy Show events, and in 2005 she made a technical presentation on packaging innovations and trends during the ABICAB convention in Brazil.
She acknowledges her parents and grandparents, teachers, editors and editorial staff, her sorority sisters from Alpha Gamma Delta and others with whom she has worked throughout her career for their contributions to her development.
Away from the office, Pat has earned a brown belt in Taekwando and received her pilot’s license in 1981. She has been married to Greg Nemetz since 1977.