Maurice A. Cook Jr.
Class of 1995
Maury Cook was born July 14, 1940, in Fort Wayne, IN. Following his graduation from North Side High School, he attended Wittenberg University in Springfield, OH, where he earned a B.S. in business administration.
Following graduation, Maury spent a year with the IRS before joining the U.S. Air Force, serving as a transportation officer and attaining the rank of Captain.
His career in the candy industry began in 1973 when he became an account manager at O. R. Cook & Son Brokerage Co. a position he held for 10 years before joining Kaye & Silver Brokerage Co. There, Maury spent the next 19 years of his active career as account manager.
Maury was honored numerous times throughout his career, including being named a Candy Ambassador by the NCWA and the 1981 Young Executive Of The Year for the Ohio Assoc. of Tobacco and Candy Distributors. Maury was inducted into the Candy Hall of Fame in 1996.
Maurice passed away December 5, 2016, at the age of 75.