James C. Goodman
Class of 1974
Jim was born in Salisbury, NC, in 1911. He later moved to Winston-Salem, NC, where he began his career in the confectionery industry when he joined Merita Bakery, which later became part of Interstate Bakeries Corp. Throughout his 25-year career with the company he served in a variety of positions, from working the ovens to route supervisor.
Thinking he could do better on his own selling candy to his bread customers, Jim left Merita to form Tasty Foods Co. a wholesale candy business that led to the birth of Lik-M-Donut Co. a manufacturer of fried pies and donuts. In 1948, Jim invented the Honeybun, which still ranks among the top selling pastries in the vending industry.
In 1953, he entered the brokerage industry by forming James C. Goodman & Assoc. and soon established a very successful business supplying wholesale distributors and candy vendors throughout North and South Carolina.
A former president of the Southern Salesman’s Candy Club, Jim retired in 1977. A long-time member of the Friedland Moravian Church in Winston-Salem, he was married to Capitola Cook for 48 years and together they raised four children.